Monday, February 11, 2008

Hooray for Presidents and Birthdays!

Ok - I know I am silly but I love being a teacher and having all of the fun holidays off, like President's day! Andrew and I got to stay home today and get some errands checked off the list! We finally got my car a bath today! It looks brand new! :) This week is going to be pretty busy! Andrew works late on Wednesday night, Valentines Day and Jan's Birthday is on Thursday, and then my 24th birthday is on Friday the 15th!

In baby news, but not my baby :), my friend Drea found out today that she is having a little boy! It was fun to get a text early this morning that said she was going to have a little Noah! I'm really excited for her! I cannot wait until we can find out what we are having too. A lot of my girlfriends have had boys lately, so I am hoping Andrew and I break the trend and have a girl! :) We shall see! I also found out last night that another one of my friends and my "older sister" is having her 4th child! Whoa who! Babies everywhere!!!

Andrew and I so far are looking forward to th 19th to see our baby's first picture! I think that is a really sweet birthday present! ;) Keep us in your prayers! Love to all!

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