Friday, March 28, 2008

The New Hot Momma Car! :) and Daddy!

Andrew and I have had a fun filled week during my Spring Break! The biggest news is that we have been very blessed and made a big purchase and change for the baby to come! All in one week we sold Andrew's little pickup and had our new 2008 CRV delivered to our home! Having your new car brought to you instead of going to the dealership is amazing! I am really proud of Andrew because he was the "Wheeler and dealer" in this whole process. He really has been taking care of our new family to come. :)

We are in our 14 week and we are sure growing! I haven't been craving sweets or salts but rather fruits and for some odd reason 1000 Island dressing! Yum! :) Tangelos are in season right now and are amazing! So, I have switched from oranges to tangelos for the time being. I have been sleeping better and feeling more like myself again. I can't wait until I get to feel the baby for the first time!

Our other baby Benny, the dog, got a haircut this week and it is rather short. Andrew says he looks like a meerkat! I think he still looks like his handsome little self - just with short hair. :(

Love to all!

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