Monday, March 17, 2008

Dr. Morrison and Dr. Fong are great! :)

So, I do admit that I was a little disappointed today when we went to the doctors office and found out that we were not getting an ultrasound done today. :) But, we did get to hear the heartbeat for the first time! Today we saw Dr. Morrison who is the sweetest little old man. :) He reminds me a lot of Robin Williams because of his humor. When we heard the heartbeat it was really amazing! I haven't really felt the baby so it is just unbelievable that it is really there! ;) Of course I asked the doctor if the heartbeat sounded normal and he said in a very sweet joking voice, "Sounded like 150 - 160 beats per minute but I wasn't counting..." He is so experienced he just "knows" what a normal healthy baby sounds like. He told us that we are doing well and that we are 12 weeks and 1 day today! :) We are in the clear. :) (By the way I think I have a lot of smiley faces in here....sorry:) )

One of the other highlights that happened today was when I had to be weighed in. Normally, I dread this time of the appointment but I know it is a must. I read in the book that Sarah got me, "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" to just not look at the scale. So, I look to the side and tell the nurse to not tell me the results. She smiled and said ok and then walked to her chart. When she went to take my blood pressure she asked me how far along I was and when my last appointment was. She said that I should be very happy because I actually have not really gained a lot of weight and that most women gain at least a pound a week thus far. She said I must be transferring the weight to the right places! Of course I told her that she was my favorite nurse! :)

Andrew and I have been extremely blessed in a lot of areas, not only with this new little baby that God has in store for us, but also with his job that helps support us. We met today with the office manager of the doctors office and we are totally taken care of with baby expenses by Andrew's amazing insurance! Thank you God! :)

A co-worker of mine, that is also pregnant, had a doctors visit today too in regards to her little baby boy and all was well! We've been praying a lot for her lately and it was a great relief that everything is ok with him.

To top off a great day - I went to Target with Andrew and got some cute mommy clothes! So, I am ready to go and happy about today! Thank you for your prayers and support! We really really really appreciate it!

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