Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Love My Husband...and my doctor! :)

So, this weekend I was starting to have pretty bad allergies that I thought would eventually go away. It is a weird concept to think that just a little while ago I could have easily taken some Clartin and called it a day! But, with the new little baby coming - no drugs for me. I tried to stay calm but I think Andrew had a hard time. He was trying everything to make me feel better. He is such a good "manager" of the baby. He called the doctor and they said I could have a vapiorizer so he went and got one. He helped me clean all of the sheets and we deep cleaned the house. Isn't he awesome! I was still not feeling better and then on Monday morning I got really sick. I knew at this point I had a sinus infection and I needed to do something about it. We went to see my OBGYN to make sure I would be safe with whatever we had to do as far as medicine. Can I just say my doctor rocks?! Of course, I was crying in the waiting room because I was terrified that I was sick and that I was going to hurt the baby. Andrew tried to calm me down but if you know me well enough I was still freaking out. When the doctor came in he was so calm and checked out my face and told me that everything was going to be ok. When I started to cry harder....he asked me a very important question..... "Have you been reading all of the pregnancy books?" I of course answered, "Yes and I am trying to do everything right but I get scared." He then said something that made me feel at ease, "STOP READING THEM! Of course you are going through a lot of emotions and I would be freaked out if I was preganat too!"

Now, how funny is that! My doctor is great and he is getting me back on the road to feeling better. I actually had enough strength tonight to finally make dinner for Andrew and I. He has been doing a lot and I don't know what I would do without him! :)

Thank you for all of your prayers and love. :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Benjamin James Wheeler - The Big Brother... :)

Andrew and I let Benny know that he is going to have a little baby brother or sister coming soon....and the talk went pretty well. He just wants to make sure he gets to sleep on the bed still. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Massages, alleriges, and rain...oh my!

Southern California has been blessed with many showers of rain! I know that we are in need of rain so I am glad it is here but it is very hard for me not to get a good 'ol cold with all of the cooler weather. I try to stay bundled up and wash my hands constantly - but I am still feeling a little bit under the weather. Being a Kindergarten teacher does not help when you are trying to stay as healthy as possible. My little adorable students are dropping like flies with the cold and fevers. Please pray that we can stay as healthy as possible during this time. :)

Today was certainly a treat because I got my first pregnant massage from my masseuse and friend with the coolest name ever, Shannon Esparza! :) It was great to just really get a chance to relax. Don't worry - Andrew got a massage too! His back has been hurting him from being such a champ at trying to make sure I am doing ok and have everything I need! :) Thank you Shannon!

Just an update - Feb. 19th we get to see our baby for the first time! :) Thank you for all of your prayers and love!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The First Few Weeks

It seems like these last two weeks have been a blur. Just two weeks ago, we were still newlyweds, now fast-forward and we are parents to be. Despite the drastic change in such a short time, I find myself getting more and more excited about it everyday. Parenthood is definitely something we knew would be in our future, but who knew it would be this soon. There are lots of changes to come, but 8 months from now everything will be completely worth it, when we welcome a little boy or girl into our lives forever. Keep us in your prayers over the next few months.

On a side note, we look forward to keeping you all updated on the comings and goings of this special time in our lives. Feel free to leave some feedback to encourage us as we go through this great journey together.

Monday, January 21, 2008

It's our first time!

Shannon and baby are here....and we are both on this little blog site for the first time ever. Andrew had to help us a lot! I was inspired to do this because my Mom found a site called that shows updated pictures of our new little baby! I hope we all enjoy! Remember to pray, pray, and pray! :) Love to all! Andrew, Shannon, Benny, and the soon to come little one.