Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Hospital: Part 3

June 20th 2008 (Summer Solstice), may have laid claim as the longest day of this year, but August 28 2008 is a close second. Needless to say today was a long day.

It started out around 7:30 this morning. We knew that we had another doctor's appointment today, and we knew that they wanted Shannon to eat a big breakfast before we came, so Aydan would kick away when we got the appointment. So we got up, and made pancakes.

It was my first time making pancakes, and I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. I even got a perfect Mickey Mouse pancake on my first try. With that kind of a start who knew, how long today would be.

With a belly full of pancakes and orange juice, off we headed to the doctor's office. When we got there they took Shannon in to do the NST (the test she took the other day, that tracked the baby's heartbeat) right away. With her all hooked up and good to go, the test began.

On Tuesday when Shannon was hooked up Aydan, needed a little help getting moving so the nurse brought in the "Baby Alarm." Today started off much the same way, except this time, not even the alarm could wake up the sleepy kid (he get's that from his mom ;) ). So off we went into the ultra sound room.

Normally all of this would take just an hour or so, but today was an extremely busy day at the offices of Dr. Morrison and Fong. In between getting us off the NST and into the Ultrasound room, Dr. Morrison had to jet over to the hospital to deliver his second baby of the morning.

When he finally got back, it was time for the ultrasound. Dr. Morrison said Aydan was good and healthy (approximately 6lbs 13 ozs), but he was still concerned that there wasn't enough movement. With that in mind, he said he wanted to send us over to the hospital for another test, a CST (Contraction Stress Test).

By the time we got out of the doctor's office, it was all ready noon and we had spent three hours in the office. Luckily, the hospital was so busy that we had to wait for them to call us to come in, so we got to go home, eat lunch, and get some rest.

At around 3:30 we got the call to head over to the hospital. Off we went to get another test done. This time things were a little better. After stimulating some contractions, Aydan's heart rate was up, and we were sent home to rest, with the stipulation being coming back on Monday.

With another day in the books, we get even that much closer to Aydan's arrival. Luckily he didn't come before Shannon's shower on Saturday. Thanks again for all of your prayers and comments. We are truly blessed, to have such wonderful friends and family!


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