Monday, April 14, 2008

The Four Month Appointment

It's been nearly four months since we found out that we were pregnant, and with that it's been nearly two months since we were able to see a picture of the baby. With that said, we have been a little anxious about getting another opportunity to have an ultra sound. We were excited to see the growth, and for Shannon it would be a little peace of mind knowing that there were two arms and two legs.

With so many people around us either being pregnant or having recently given birth, we've come to realize that different doctors have different philosophies when it comes to the ultrasounds. Some doctors like to give them all the time, some give them very sparingly.

After our three month appointment last month, we came to the conclusion that our doctors tended to ere on the side of giving them only when they were completely necessary. There isn't anything wrong with that philosophy, but it was hard, especially for Shannon, to not be able to see what is going on since its our first child.

Today marked our four month appointment. Going into today's appointment, we knew we have an appointment set for May 9th with a high-tech ultrasound so that we can find out the sex, but that is still a-ways-a-way.

As we are sitting in the exam room, Shannon and I decided that it wouldn't hurt to ask if we could have an ultra-sound. So after we got to hear the heartbeat (which sounded great, normal, and healthy), Shannon asked if there would be anyway at all for us to see a picture, and Dr. Fong was nice enough to say yes, as long as we could wait for her to finish the rest of her appointments.

We gladly waited, and were able to have an ultra-sound at the end of the day. We got to see the head, the arms, the legs (there's two of each!), and we were even able to make out the face a little bit. My how it has grown. It has definitely moved from a peanut, into a small baby.

Unfortunately, the machine wasn't able to print anything out because the printer was down, but we were still grateful for Dr. Fong going out of her way to let us see the baby. I know you all are excited to see a new picture, and I know for sure on May 9th we will have a great one for you all, along with whether or not it's a boy or girl.

Until Then Much Love,

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